Fiction - 2014

Sponsor a Wealthy Child

A transmedia project that submerges the audience in an inverted humanitarian campaign

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Affiche de Parrainez un enfant riche

Sponsor a Wealthy Child

Sponsor a Wealthy Child (SaWC) is a transmedia game that turns the world upside down. Thanks to an offbeat humanitarian campaign, families from the so-called Third World come to the rescue of Western children ravaged by “relational poverty”. The story is told through the platform and via a series of infomercials that imitate the aesthetics of humanitarian NGOs publicities. Who really is wealthy? Who is poor? Is this a real campaign or is it a parody? Sponsor a Wealthy Child is certainly a game that re-scrambles the cards...


Awards and recognitions

  • Prix Les arts et la ville, Canada
  • Festival Tous Écrans, Suisse
  • Online Film Festival, Angleterre
  • Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Canada
  • Gala des Prix Numix, Canada
  • MemeFest, Australie-Slovénie
  • Festival international de cinéma jeunesse, Canada
  • Concours Boomerang, Canada


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